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Why I Love Facebook Ads, and You Should Too!

Why I Love Facebook Ads, and You Should Too!

August 22, 20223 min read

Two quick facts.

Facebook has grown to more than 2.7 billion active users.

Facebook’s market share for digital advertising is close to 20%, making it one of the single largest options for advertising, behind only Google. 


And two quick opinions.

I love Facebook ads.

And you should too.

Simple as that. The art of Facebook advertising may seem intimidating, but really it’s one of the most targeted, low-cost, and effective methods to quickly and directly reach your demographic. It’s a no-brainer! 

I get it, the world of Facebook Ads seems complex. But you can make it as simple, or as complex as you want or need to. Here are my top reasons, why I often turn to a Facebook Ad campaign for my clients, and why you should too for your business!

Use Facebook Ads to Scale


Imagine you’re blowing up a balloon. Stick with me here. Your first attempt - doesn’t work. Second attempt - eh it’s alright. The third attempt - tada - a balloon! Now take that metaphor into scaling your Facebook ads. It’s a unique way to test your balloon, put a small amount of air into it, and then once you know it works, go for it until you have a beautiful balloon arch. I maybe took that metaphor too far, but I digress. Test your ads with a small budget, identify the ones that work and scale them larger - whether it’s a larger budget, a similar audience, or a different directive, Facebook ads allow you to play around with your advertising so that you can ax what isn’t working, and expand what shows good results. 

You’re Making Money In Your Sleep!


What? Sign me up! But seriously this ad process is so streamlined that it’s simple to test your audience, gain personalized ad insight from Facebook itself, and play around with your budget until you have it just right. Once you figure those out, then off you go - and Facebook’s AI gets to work on delivering your ad to the right audience. So as you hit the snooze button, you’re gaining leads, traffic, and converting customers thanks to Facebook ads. 

They’re Not As Expensive As They Seem

not expensive

Because the Ads platform is so complex and customized, you can test and run an ad for a much smaller budget than traditional methods of media. And what makes it more worth the value, is the ability to test your audience, attempt multiple conversions, and manually select your budget for what works best for your business. Ads can get a bit complicated when it comes to bidding and audience generation, but what you can rely on is directly reaching your audience or related audiences with a limited budget.  

Who has unlimited time and energy?

unlimited time

The push to grow organic marketing is slowly sneaking into the corner. Years ago, before Meta really made the push to amp up their ad game, the only way to potentially promote your business or service was to toss something out there and hope it went viral. What I always say is that Paid and Organic marketing go hand in hand. In fact, paid advertising typically drives your organic efforts. Organic posting should always be happening in the background, no doubt. But to really gain leads and convert customers, you need to get on board with paid advertising, because who has unlimited time and energy to solely work on organic marketing? 

So give it a try! 

Although, I know that the options for Facebook ads can be a bit overwhelming, which is why I’m here. I have years of experience with Facebook, and can help to test your audience, scale your ads, grow your audience reach, and track effective and attractive campaigns.  

So let me help you. I would love to connect to learn more about your business and services, and how I can help you create and launch successful ad campaigns! Click here to schedule a call!

I love Facebook Ads, and you should too! But if you’re hesitant, I can help. 

Talk soon!

Caroline Lewis


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